Thursday, December 22, 2011

Almost 90 Teens are Pregnant or New Moms at One Memphis High School

By Brian Bujdos
Although the US teen birth rate is the lowest in recorded history, Frayser High School in Tennessee has nearly 90 girls who are either pregnant or have given birth in the last year. The large number of pregnancies at the High School has led to a teen pregnancy rate of 26% in the city of Frayser itself. This means that 26% of all babies born in Frayser have a teenage mother. The average national teen pregnancy rate is 10%.

The high pregnancy rate has prompted a non-profit group called Girls, Inc. to launch a new campaign called "No Baby!" The program will help female teenagers obtain the knowledge and resources needed to prevent unplanned pregnancies. Deborah Hester Harrison, a spoke person with Girl's Inc., said the new program will also provide young teens with the willpower to just say "no" to having sex. Girl's Inc. also provides support to help new moms cope with unexpected life changes.

The unwanted pregnancy in teenage is caused by some factors. Firstly, it is because their free lifestyle according to the environment. They feel free to have sex and they don't think about the effect after it. The second thing is they are lack of their parents' guide, so they feel free to do whatever they want without discussing with their parents. The other factor is because they have no enough knowledge about the danger of pregnancy in teenage age. Even though there are so many factors to cause the pregnancy in teenage age, actually we can have some suggestions to prevent it, or at least to reduce the effect if it has happened.

There are some suggestions about this problem. Firstly, we have to give more knowledge about the danger of free sex and socialize that the best way to have sex is after getting married. Secondly, if the pregnancy has already happened, we are as the people around them, we have to give more attention and care of them. Don't excommunicate them from society or environment. The other thing is we have to "lend our ear" whenever they need to share about their life problem after gave birth and make sure that they don't let their dreams as young people go away because of the baby and their life after it. Those are some effects and suggestions related to pregnancy in teenage age according to my opinion .