Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Here goes a little bit of mine

Saya lebih senang menjadi misteri. Gak peduli apa kata orang, walaupun mungkin nantinya gak ada orang yang mau baca blog saya. It's OK, not a big deal for me as long as at least masih ada yang baca blog ini yaitu saya sendiri. Maka dari itu saya gak akan cerita detail tentang diri saya. Sebut aja saya orang gak penting. Saya tinggal di kota yang punya motto "tiada hari tanpa hujan", if you think that was Bogor yep you are madly true!

My passion is going through all about literature, learning English (that's why my english isn't good enough because i'm still on learning), singing ( i have pretty nice voice btw ;p), cats, making some quotes for my self, sometimes writing kind of short story but it had never been finished because i was out of idea to finish it and many more that surely they don't too important to be explained here.

Rencananya, di blog ini saya bakal tulis apa yang saya mau. Yang mudah-mudahan aja nantinya berguna dan at least enak lah buat dibaca. hehehe. Ok fellas i am getting bored to think what should i write here. haha. see ya soon on the next post.

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