Tuesday, November 20, 2012

INSPIRING MAN (writing task)

(Me and Him)

Hello. Good evening dear all my friends, I do this writing in order to accomplish my writing V task that my lecturer, Mr. Teguh gave us. In this opportunity, I’d like to write about a man who is being an inspiration and motivation for me to be much better day by day in my life.
He is my one and only father (Yeah of course everybody has only one father). I love him so much. He is always be the first man I love in my whole life. Well, his name is Sutisna, let’s call him Pak Tisna (that’s the way people address him). He is just a secondary school graduated but he is able to give a good life for his family, until all his kids, my 3 little brothers and I could achieve a good education, as you know that I am a college student now and I am a very healthy girl.LOL.
What I adore the most from him is.. He is a hard worker. A super- hard worker-man. He always tries to give his best for his family though he has to suffer and work hard for it. I remember when I was still in an elementary school, that was the hardest period for us. 
Our family was really poor because my father hasn’t been an employee that in a high position like today. One day, my dad had no money at all, I thought he had but it might be just little, only enough for his expenses to his office and the way back home for a couple of days. Then, we just ate rice with just very little dish for days, and sometimes we ate instant noodles too. The saddest part was he sometimes just ate half of the dish that was used to be eaten by us, his kids. That time, I was still a kid, I didn’t understand the situation, I didn’t know that our family was really poor. All I knew was just happiness and my father did it too, he always showed that he was happy, and I just realized it now, after I grow up to be a more mature girl day by day. Today, because of his hard work, our family lives a better life and of course we are always be a happy family no matter what happens to us. I love you daddy J

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