Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BOOK REVIEW (writing task)

BOOK TITLE            : “Rahasia yang Terkuak” Hitler Mati 
di Indonesia
BOOK TYPE             : Non Fiction
AUTHOR                   : Ir. KGPH Soeryo Goeritno, Msc
PUBLISHER              : Titik Media Publisher
PRINTING                 : 2010
BOOK SIZE              : 14 x 21 cm, Soft Cover
PAGES                       : 121 Pages
PRICE                        : Rp 35.000,-


            World War II had left a lot of big losses in the history of mankind. Not only that, there are many mysteries still surrounding World War II that can not be solved until now and leave question marks in minds of millions of people. Adolf Hitler, the originator of World War II in Europe. His existence is a mystery when the controversy about him growing. There were convinced he was dead, but some may have the opinion that he was not dead but just run away.
            The author is Ir. KGPH Soeryo Goeritno, MSc, a Bachelor of Gubkin Oil and Gas Institute, Moscow, Russia. He has interest in dealing with the matter of Hitler because he was curious and finally feel challenged to create a book that explores the journey of the life of a piece of this great general. Not much information is obtained regarding the author of the book because he only wrote a little bit about him in the book. But would I as a reader, can judge that he is capable of telling a history that has been hidden very well and make the reader become addicted to continue reading the story to the end. This book is not a history book, but a book that reveals the other side of the dark history experienced by the Europeans, especially the Germans during World War II full of cruelty that ever happened to mankind.
            This book deserves to be reading because it reveals the other side of the life of someone who is a major figure in the history of mankind, enrich our knowledge of the history and of course the interesting thing to review. While the shortcomings of this book, the language is a little tricky and tends to be repeated to make us have read it several times to get the actual intent of the author. Storytelling techniques are a bit random too seriously requires us to read them in order not to lose meaning. However, this book deserves to be recommended. Surely this was just "another opinion" of Hitler's death mystery, but it is not impossible that Hitler died in Indonesia, because Indonesia is considered a safe place for Hitler. Please for anyone to find the true answer.


INSPIRING MAN (writing task)

(Me and Him)

Hello. Good evening dear all my friends, I do this writing in order to accomplish my writing V task that my lecturer, Mr. Teguh gave us. In this opportunity, I’d like to write about a man who is being an inspiration and motivation for me to be much better day by day in my life.
He is my one and only father (Yeah of course everybody has only one father). I love him so much. He is always be the first man I love in my whole life. Well, his name is Sutisna, let’s call him Pak Tisna (that’s the way people address him). He is just a secondary school graduated but he is able to give a good life for his family, until all his kids, my 3 little brothers and I could achieve a good education, as you know that I am a college student now and I am a very healthy girl.LOL.
What I adore the most from him is.. He is a hard worker. A super- hard worker-man. He always tries to give his best for his family though he has to suffer and work hard for it. I remember when I was still in an elementary school, that was the hardest period for us. 
Our family was really poor because my father hasn’t been an employee that in a high position like today. One day, my dad had no money at all, I thought he had but it might be just little, only enough for his expenses to his office and the way back home for a couple of days. Then, we just ate rice with just very little dish for days, and sometimes we ate instant noodles too. The saddest part was he sometimes just ate half of the dish that was used to be eaten by us, his kids. That time, I was still a kid, I didn’t understand the situation, I didn’t know that our family was really poor. All I knew was just happiness and my father did it too, he always showed that he was happy, and I just realized it now, after I grow up to be a more mature girl day by day. Today, because of his hard work, our family lives a better life and of course we are always be a happy family no matter what happens to us. I love you daddy J


Guys, this is still my writing in order to accomplish my writing V task. I’d like to talk about entrepreneurship. Have you ever known about it? I guess almost all of you know about this term or at least you have heard about this. Well, entrepreneurship is a profession that related to business we own by ourselves. If we were entrepreneur, we can get more money and advantages not only for ourselves but also for people around us. For example, if you were an entrepreneur, you can open job vacancies for unemployed people.
 Entrepreneurship is fun I think, we can learn a lot from the process we through like how to do a good and effective marketing strategy, how to develop a unique and interesting concept for our product we sell and how to overcome consumers complaints. That’s fun. We can start develop our own business as soon as possible. The sooner, the better. Good luck J 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Rainbow Cake is a sweet innovative cake that many people love the most nowadays. Many of us have tasted how amazing this cake is.. Are you one of them? Have you tasted this cake?
If You haven't tasted this sweet thing, No Worries! 
We come to you with solution. 
We bake rainbow cake as you order. The Size, Shape and Garnish are depend on your request..
How about the price? No Worries guys.... We offer a great taste with a cheap price :)
For more details.. contact us at nothingofmine@gmail.com

Thursday, March 1, 2012

could you guess???

You might think this is really cliches and childish. But this photograph depicts what my heart feels now. This is taken by me myself and I let you interpret it by yourself.

Hey. Could you guess??? :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

this is absolutely for you

this is absolutely for you.. the one that I just knew.. 
but I accidentally hurt your heart today..
I am so sorry.. that I just hurt you with my words
I am so sorry.. for making you feel uncomfortable
You need to know that I was just playing around,,
but I know either that I played around in a wrong way.. 

Once again I do apologized for my mistakes
And my wish is.. 
We are going to make a good friendship and..
I promise I wont hurt you any longer :) 

Friday, February 10, 2012

kali ini buat ayah

Malam ini saya tidak bisa tidur lagi. Entah kenapa. 
Mungkin saya rindu ayah. 
Ya, saya rindu ayah saya.
Merindukan ayah sudah seperti rutinitas buat saya
Hampir setiap hari saya ingat ayah

Oh iya, ngomong-ngomong soal ayah. Saya ingin sekali ayah tahu bahwa setiap yang beliau lakukan selalu berhasil membuat saya menangis. Apapun. Lebay ya? emang iya. Entahlah
Saya ingin sekali ayah tahu bahwa pernah ada suatu hari, ketika saya ingin berangkat kuliah, beliau mengantar saya sampai ke depan pagar, kemudian membukakannya untuk saya -padahal saya bisa buka sendiri-, kemudian beliau menunggu sampai punggung saya tidak lagi terlihat, sepanjang jalan itu saya menangis, bahkan di angkot sampai di kampus pun saya masih menangis dan menceritakannya kepada teman dekat saya masih dengan menangis. Andai beliau tahu.

Pernah juga suatu ketika, tahun 2011 di bulan Januari hari ke 4, di hari ulang tahun saya ke 20 tahun. Pagi-pagi sekali sebelum beliau berangkat ke kantor, beliau mengetuk pintu kamar saya kemudian tersenyum dan memeluk saya sambil berujar "selamat ulang tahun nok" setelah itu beliau mencium pipi kiri, kanan dan bibir saya. Reaksi saya saat itu hanya tersenyum dan hmmm apa ya bahasa Indonesia nya yang bagus, ya intinya "nyengir" lah, kemudian saya bilang "hehe.. iya iya" kemudian saya tidak mau berlama-lama ngobrol dengan beliau, lalu saya menutup pintu dan menguncinya. Tahukah ayah alasan saya mengunci pintu saat itu adalah saya malu kalau ayah tahu saya menangis. Ya. saya menangis lagi saat itu

Oh iya, saya juga mau ayah tahu, bahwa setiap pelukan dan ciuman ayah untuk saya selalu berhasil membuat saya menangis setelahnya, walaupun saya harus bersusah payah menutupinya ketika masih berhadapan dengan ayah. Contohnya di setiap hari lebaran, ayah selalu mencium saya dengan cara yang sama. Pipi kiri, pipi kanan lalu bibir. Saya hafal sekali. Beliau hanya melakukan itu di setiap hari lebaran dan ulang tahun saya. kecuali ketika ulang tahun saya tahun ini, beliau tidak melakukannya karena beliau sedang berhalangan untuk berada dsamping saya. Tahukah ayah, sebenarnya saya sangat tidak suka hari itu? Hari ketika seharusnya saya mendapat "jatah" pelukan dan ciuman dari ayah??? Ayah kemana??? entahlah. tapi ayah lagi-lagi tetap berhasil membuat saya menangis dengan smsnya yang sederhana.  

Bahkan telepon dari ayah pun sanggup membuat saya menangis. Telepon sederhana yang isinya hanya ingin bertanya saya sedang berada dimana? Tahukah ayah setelah menerima telepon dari ayah, saya selalu menangis????

Kalau ayah tanya kenapa, saya juga gak tahu. Kenapa saya sangat sensitif tentang semua yang berhubungan dengan ayah. Ketika menulis ini pun saya menangis. Saya rindu ayah. Padahal untuk bertemu ayah saat ini juga saya hanya perlu mengetuk pintu kamar ayah dan menemukan beliau disana. Entah kenapa. Entah apa yang salah....

Saya ingin,, suatu saat nanti ayah tahu apa yang saya rasakan. Tapi nanti. saya harus kumpulkan cukup hati dan keberanian untuk meledakannya. Tunggu ya yah...............

Friday, February 3, 2012

my apology

If crying could solve all the matters in the world. Do it.
If crying could erase all the suffering I caused for you. Then do it.
If crying could free me away from feeling guilty.. I WOULD do it
If crying could make me forget all we've been through... I SWEAR I would do it
Trust me. It's never been that easy to tell you what I actually felt like.
I apologized not to keep my promises to be by your side in my whole life.
I apologized not to keep my promises to hold your wrinkled hands when we are getting old
I apologized not to keep my promises to always be the first person wishing you good morning and kiss you on your cheek
For everything I caused.. I do apologized....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

.quick update.

Feel so bad tonight.. I have to stay awake all night long due to study super hard for tomorrow examination :( Let's see how my eyes will look tomorrow.. I am going to have a Panda eyes..................

Monday, January 30, 2012

forever quotation

If you love someone, set them free.
If they comeback, they're yours. If they don't, they never were.
                                                -Richard Barch-

Monday, January 23, 2012

ayam batik Itali

ehem.. ehem.. let me start..
yakk.. kali ini beda daripada biasanya, gw ngepost soal ayam batik.. apa itu ayam batik??? sok atuh liat fotonya.. 

berdasarkan info yang gue browse, ayam ini namanya ayam batik itali. Kenapa begitu? bisa dilihat sendiri dari bulunya yang bermotif batik, tapiii kalo soal kenapa ada embel-embel Itali nya... waduh gue juga kurang ngerti tuh. But anyway... tujuan gue buat ngepost mengenai ayam batik ini adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan karna gue mau jualan. hahaha yaa JUALAN!! Bokap miara ayam batik ini,, udah banyak banget dirumah, jd katanya mau dijualin aja.. dari yang baru lahir, yg masih anak-anak, yang remaja sampe yang indukannya ada kok.. soal harga nego yaa.. buat yang tertarik PM aja ke email gue nothingofmine@gmail.com atau kalo comment dibawah post ini juga boleeehh.. Soal harga, japri aja yaa.. thankiss

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Putri kecil dan ayahnya

Bersetting di sebuah rumah sakit swasta di Jakarta. Hari Jumat. Pecahlah tangisan bayi dari salah satu kamar persalinan. Ibunya masih muda belia. kebetulan ini adalah anak pertama. Ayahnya terlihat gugup di salah satu sudut memandang cemas istrinya. Mereka bahagia. Sangat bahagia. Beberapa hari kemudian mereka membawanya pulang. Ingin secepatnya memperkenalkannya kepada keluarga besar. Waktu kian berlalu. Anak itu menjadi putri ditengah-tengah keluarga kecilnya. Ia diperlakukan seperti putri kecil yang tak boleh sedikitpun tersakiti hatinya maupun fisiknya. Sedikit saja tangisan pecah dari bibirnya, seketika itu juga ayahnya akan panik dan membujuknya untuk berhenti menangis. Ya. Si putri kecil sangat dekat dengan ayahnya.
Singkat cerita putri kecil itu sudah dewasa. 21 tahun. Sama persis usianya ketika ayah meminta ibu menjadi pacarnya. Semua masih seperti dulu. Tidak ada yang berubah. Termasuk hubungan dekatnya dengan ayah. Hatinya sangat sensitif ketika mendengar sesuatu, apapun tentang ayahnya. Bahkan walau hanya pesan singkat ini yang ditujukan untuknya dari ayah:

"Selamat ulang tahun cantik. Semoga selalu diberikan kesehatan, dan jangan lupa sholatnya ditingkatkan"

Ia menangis...






See? aren't we ashamed? 
We often say human is better than animal. We even declare that Human is the best and the most perfect creature on earth. Human has mind, animal hasn't. Human has intelligence, animal hasn't. Human has heart, animal hasn't. Could we still say that???? 

Okay.. Okay... Maybe you got upset of what I just said.. but... would you re-think about it? They don't even have mind, they don't have intelligence, they don't have heart, they're not as perfect as human,,,, but.. THEY STILL KNOW HOW TO LOVE... THEY LOVE EACH OTHER BETTER THAN WE DO..

Once again.. would you please re-think about it?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Earthly Paradise

I have ever been to some attractive places, but the most enjoyable place according to my opinion is Dreamland beach in Bali. Dreamland beach is like an earthly paradise. The atmosphere there is very fresh and it also has a good climate. We can see a great panorama there. Gold sand, big waves, great foods, we can enjoy all of them there. 

I went to Dreamland beach with my friends in 2009. We went to Denpasar by plane, and then we went from the airport to Dreamland beach by car. First thing that we did there was surfing. When we felt hungry, I ordered some meals to restaurant nearby and the food was really delicious. Surely I wouldn’t forget to order coconut ice. It’s really fresh. When it was getting dark, we left the beach and stayed in a hotel nearby. We really enjoyed our time there. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Have you ever heard about Google AdSense? It is getting more and more popular now among internet users. From its name “AdSense” we can guess it must be something about advertisement.  In fact, Google AdSense represents business of worldwide in multiple languages. It is a program of Google.com, it provides ads which can be posted on your blogs or websites. If the ad in your blog or website is clicked by the visitors, you will be paid by google.com.
There are two categories of Google Adsense programs:
  1.  AdSense for content

It provides a space to display google ads from google advertiser. When we look at the top and rightmost column, we will see a box with text Ads by Google contain one or more particular ads. These ads commonly referred to the Google AdWords or Google AdSense. When a visitor clicks one of the ads mounted on his site, then Google will give site owners a commission. Very simple isn’t it?

     2.   AdSense for Search

Almost similar to AdSense for content, but AdSense for Search involves the search engine Google in determining the type of Adwords that appear. Thus, visitors search for keywords  in Google search engine provided by the site owner. When visitors find the ads and click on it, then the owner of the site will earn a commission from Google for each click.

Those are my general definition about Google AdSense. So are you interested to install Google Adsense in your blog?? Let’s start to earn more money from internet ^^